• info@maulakalikahospital.com
  • 056-493738 , 493798

Dental Department


  1. Root Canal Treatment
  2. Cleaning and Polishing of Teeth
  3. Teeth Whitening
  4. Crown and Bridges Including Post and Core
  5. Veneers
  6. Complete and Partial Dentures
  7. Fillings
  8. Surgical and Non-surgical Extractions
  9. Pediatric Dental Procedures
  10. Night Guards
  11. Dental Jewellery
  12. Teeth Sensitivity & Gum Disease
  13. Dental X-ray
  14. Smile Designing
  15. Preventive Dental Treatment Like Flouride Therapy and Prit and Tissue Sealants.
Give us a Call

056-493738 , 493798

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Visit our Location

Bharatpur - 10 Chaubiskoti (In front of Airport)